Zhuofu Tao
Visiting student
PhD candidate (Tsinghua University)
Office: 418 Davis Hall
E-mail: tzf15@tsinghua.edu.cn
Zhuofu received his BEng degree in hydraulic engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 2015. Now he is a PhD candidate in Tsinghua University, China under the supervision of Professor Qiang Yang and a visiting student in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. His doctoral work focuses on the deformation and cracking of arch dam and foundation based on geo-mechanical model test and non-linear finite element calculation. His current research topic at University of California, Berkeley is the pore pressure detection in soil during cracking using miniature fiber optic transducer.
Journal Publications:
Tao ZF, Liu YR, Cheng L, Yang Q. (2019). Failure and stability analysis of Jinping-I arch dam based on geomechanical model test and nonlinear numerical analysis. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52, 2245-2260.
Wang SG, Liu YR, Tao ZF, Zhang Y, Zhong DN, Wu Z S et al. (2018). Geomechanical model test for failure and stability analysis of high arch dam based on acoustic emission technique. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 112, 95-107.
Cheng L, Liu YR, Tao ZF, Yang Q et al. (2017). Variation of unbalanced force during excavation of arch dam base surface and treatment effects. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 39, 1670-1679.
Deng JQ, Lin C, Yang Q, Liu YR, Tao ZF, Duan HF. (2016). Investigation of directional hydraulic fracturing based on true tri-axial experiment and finite element modeling. Computers and Geotechnics, 75, 28-47.