PhD Student (Harbin Institute of Technology), visiting scholar
Office: 418 Davis Hall
Yang received his BEng degree in civil engineering and MEng degree in structural engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2012 and 2014. His research topic is the corrosion degradation of high-strength steel wires in stayed cables.
Now Yang is a PhD student in Harbin Institute of Technology, China, under the supervision of Professor Hui Li. His doctoral work focuses on the structural local damage detection for bridges based on computer vision and deep learning techniques. His current research topic at UCB is tunnel change detection based on computer vision techniques.
Journal Publications:
- Xu, Y., Wei S., Bao Y., & Li H. Automatic Seismic Damage Identification of Reinforced Concrete Columns from Images by a Region-based Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2018. Submitted.
- Xu, Y., Bao, Y., Chen, J., Zuo, W., & Li, H. (2018). Surface fatigue crack identification in steel box girder of bridges by a deep fusion convolutional neural network based on consumer-grade camera images. Structural Health Monitoring, 1475921718764873.
- Xu, Y., Li, S., Zhang, D., Jin, Y., Zhang, F., Li, N., & Li, H. (2018). Identification framework for cracks on a steel structure surface by a restricted Boltzmann machines algorithm based on consumer‐grade camera images. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(2), e2075.
- Xu, Y., Li, H., Li, S., Guan, X., & Lan, C. (2016). 3-D modelling and statistical properties of surface pits of corroded wire based on image processing technique. Corrosion Science, 111, 275-287.
- Lan, C., Xu, Y., Liu, C., Li, H., & Spencer Jr, B. F. (2018). Fatigue life prediction for parallel-wire stay cables considering corrosion effects. International Journal of Fatigue, 114, 81-91.
- Li, S., Xu, Y., Zhu, S., Guan, X., & Bao, Y. (2015). Probabilistic deterioration model of high-strength steel wires and its application to bridge cables. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(9), 1240-1249.
- Li, S., Xu, Y., Li, H., & Guan, X. (2014). Uniform and pitting corrosion modeling for high-strength bridge wires. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 19(7), 04014025.
- Cheng, P., Li, W. J., Chen, W. L., Gao, D. L., Xu, Y., & Li, H. (2018). Computer vision-based recognition of rainwater rivulet morphology evolution during rain–wind-induced vibration of a 3D aeroelastic stay cable. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 172, 367-378.
- Lan C., Xu Y., Ren D., Li N., & Liu Z. Fatigue property assessment of parallel wire stay cable I: fatigue life model for wire. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2017, 50(6): 62-70.
- Lan C., Ren D., Xu Y., Li N., & Liu Z. Fatigue property assessment of parallel wire stay cable II: fatigue life model for stay cable. China Civil Engineering Journal. 2017, 50(7): 69-77.