Xiaorong Xu
PhD student (Tsinghua University), visiting scholar
Office: 437Davis Hall
Email: xiaorong@berkeley.edu , xxr13@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Xiaorong majored in hydraulic engineering and graduated from Wuhan University, China, in 2013. Now she is a PhD student in Tsinghua University, China and is a visiting student at the University of California, Berkeley, for one year. Her doctoral work focuses on the experimental and numerical simulation research of granular flows, and its application to the three-dimensional modelling of realistic landslide—Hongshiyan landslide, which happened in August, 2014 in Southern China. She worked on the MPM code developed by C++ in Tsinghua to solve this kind of large deformation problems. She is under the supervisors of Professor Feng Jin and Professor Qicheng Sun.
Xiaorong’s current research interest is the modeling and numerical simulations of wheel rotation problems using the material point method code Anura 3D.
Research interests:
- Experimental measurements on the mechanics and flow patterns of granular flows
- Numerical modelling and simulation of three-dimensional landslides with an emphasis on large deformation
- Vehicle dynamics and the modeling of wheel rotation problems using the material point method
Main publications:
- Xu X., Sun Q., Jin F., & Chen Y. (2016). Measurements of velocity and pressure of a collapsing granular pile[J]. Powder Technology, 303: 147-155. DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.036
- Fei, M., Sun, Q., Xu, X., Jin, F., & Zhou, G. G. (2016). Simulations of multi-states properties of granular materials based on non-linear granular elasticity and the MiDi rheological relation[J]. Powder Technology, 301, 1092-1102. DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.07.048