Several members of the Soga Research Group attended ASCE Geo-Institute: Geo-Congress 2023 conference which was happening in Los Angeles from the 26th-29th March 2023. At the conference, Ph.D. student Joel Given and alumnus Dr. Andrew Yeskoo gave a podium presentation, while Ph.D. candidate Bodhinanda Chandra and postdoc Dr. Dayu Apoji presented in the poster sessions. Their presentations and proceedings titles are listed as follows:
- Given, J., & Soga, K. Comparison of Simple and Advanced Constitutive Models with Column Collapse Simulations in the Material Point Method. In Geo-Congress 2023 (pp. 30-39).
- Andrew Yeskoo, R., Murphy, J. W., Hubbard, P., Vroman, E. T., Wang, C. C., Luo, L., … & Soga, K. Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Subsurface Levee Monitoring. In Geo-Congress 2023 (pp. 367-376).
- Chandra, B., Hashimoto, R., Molinos, M., & Soga, K. High-Performance, High-Order Implicit Material Point Method for Progressive Levee Failure Simulations. In Geo-Congress 2023 (pp. 85-95).
- Apoji, D., Ning, Z., & Soga, K. Connecting EPBM Data to Ground Movement Data Using Machine Learning. In Geo-Congress 2023 (pp. 181-194).
Here are some photos taken during the conference.
Joel presenting his research
Andrew presenting his work
Nanda and Dayu with their posters
SRG group dinner in LA: (from left to right) Wongjun, Sumeet, Joel, John, Andrew, Kenichi, Nanda, and Dayu
Group picture with UC Berkeley GeoSystems students, faculty, and alumni