On April 30th 2021, the Anura3D Research Community released the source code of their collectively developed Material Point Method (MPM) Software. The Anura3D MPM Research Community consists of a group of researchers and faculty from European and American universities, including UC Berkeley, and one independent institute that since 2014 jointly investigate the application of the MPM in geotechnics and soil-water-structure interaction problems. A Ph.D. candidate in our group, John Murphy, is a member of the Anura3D Research Community and contributes to the code development.
The collaboratively developed code has evolved and expanded through various scientific papers and projects. The current version includes support for two- and three-dimensional models. Formulations for 1- or 2-phase materials can be used to simulate dry or saturated soil, respectively. Material models for solids and fluids are available with support for other material models integrated via the UMAT interface. A variety of loading and kinematic constraints, initial and boundary value conditions can be used in combination with a moving mesh.
Information about the community can be found at www.anura3D.com and on the YouTube channel.