Anura3D Events

The Anura3D is pleased to announced its first US workshop on the material (MPM) and training course. The events will take place at the University of California, Berkeley.

WORKSHOP – Tuesday May 8th, 2018

Anura3D workshop in Hamburg, Germany, in Sept. 2017

The workshop is an opportunity for the MPM community to present their work, exchange ideas and expand their knowledge. It is open to both academics and practitioners who would like to share their or who would like learn more about MPM.

People who would like to give a presentation should contact Dr. James Fern.

  • Date: Tuesday May 8th, 2018
  • Hospitality fee: USD 60
  • Registration: click here  (closed)
  • Venue: Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
  • Organisers: Dr. James Fern and Prof. Kenichi Soga

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Program: (download)

08:00 am  Registration

08:30 am  Welcome

08:40 am  Eduardo Alonso, Triggering and Motion of Landslide – the contribution of MPM

09:35 am  James Fern and Alba Yerro, The Geotechnical Characterisation of the 2014 Oso Landslide and the MPM Simulations

10:20 am   Holger Meier, A Material Point Method for Modeling Flows and Deformations

10:45 am   Coffee

11:10 am   Kenichi Soga, On the Multi-Phase MPM formulations

11:50 am  Alexander Chmelnizkij, Verification of the Coupled MPM Formulation

12:15 am  Francesca Ceccato, Modeling Saturated Soil Column Collapses with the 2-Phase MPM formulation

12:40 am   Lunch

01:40 pm  Marc Stapelfeldt,  Suction Caisson in Dense Sand: Insights into the Suction Installation Processes and Effects on the Load Bearing Behavior

02:05 pm  Georgios Moutsanidis,  Modeling Sub-grid Scale Discontinuities in the Material Point Method

02:30 pm  Wije Wathgala, Our Applications of MPM and Current Issues Limiting its Wider Use

02:55 pm  Coffee

03:20 pm  Pedro Arduino, Study of tsunami-driven debris impacts through flume experiments and MPM simulations

03:45 pm  Bruno Zuada Coelho, Assessment of Dike Safety within the Framework of Large Deformation Analysis

04:10 pm  Ipo Ritsema, How MPM based simulation studies (may) add value in geotechnical reliability and risk analysis in NL?

043:35pm Alex Rohe,  An introduction to the latest developments in Anura3D

05:00 pm   Discussion and closure


TRAINING COURSE – Wednesday May 9th, 2018

Anura3D training course in Hamburg, Germany, in Sept. 2017

Large deformation and soil–water–structure interaction exists in many environmental and civil engineering problems, such as landslides and slope instabilities, installation of piles in saturated soils, settlement due to consolidation processes, fluidisation and sedimentation processes in sub-merged slopes, internal erosion in dykes, and scouring around offshore structures. Modelling these processes is challenging due to hydro-mechanical coupling, large deformation, and contact problems.

The material point method (MPM) is a numerical approach capable of modelling large deformations and recently, within the framework of the MPM Research Community, it has been extended to cope with soil–water–structure interaction.

The Anura3D software uses a dynamic explicit MPM formulation based on a single set of material points. This is capable of simulating 1- and 2-phase materials and free surface water. A fully coupled hydro-mechanical approach is implemented to model the interaction between soil and water phases in saturated porous media, which is understood as a continuum mixture of solid skeleton and pore fluid. Additionally, contact problems can also be solved since a contact algorithm is available. Finally, a library of material constitutive laws is included as well as a UMAT style interface for external user defined soil models subroutines.

    • Date: Wednesday May 8th, 2018
    • Fee: USD 200 (USD 100 for students)
      Registration: click here (closed)
    • NOTE: Participants are asked to come with a Windows PC laptop with administrator rights at the training course
      • Instructions for software installation are given here
    • Venue: Room 250, Sutardja Dai Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
    • Organisers: Dr. James Fern and Prof. Kenichi Soga

Download flyer

Program: (download)

08:00 am  Registration

08:30 am  Welcome

08:45 am  Theory and formulations in Anura3D

09:45 am  Using Anura3D

10:30 am   Coffee

11:00 am   Tutorial 1: Consolidation

12:00 am   Lunch

01:00 pm  Tutorial 2: Siliding block

02:00 pm  Tutorial 3: Column collapse

03:00 pm  Coffee

03:30 pm  Tutorial 4: Shallow foundation

04:30 pm   Discussion and closure


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